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Table 1 Modified Spatial Anxiety Scale (M-SAS; Alvarez et al., 2020)

From: Individual differences in emerging adults’ spatial abilities: What role do affective factors play?

1. Leaving a store that you have been to for the first time and deciding which way to turn to get to a destination. *

2. Finding your way out of a complex arrangement of offices that you have visited for the first time. *

3. Pointing in the direction of a place outside that someone wants to get to and has asked you for directions, when you are in a windowless room. *

4. Locating your car in a very large parking lot or parking garage. *

5. Trying a new route that you think will be a shortcut, without the benefit of the map. *

6. Finding your way back to a familiar area after realizing you have made a wrong turn and become lost while driving. *

7. Finding your way around in an unfamiliar mall. *

8. Finding your way to an appointment in an unfamiliar city or town. *

9. Constructing a tent at the beach

10. Following origami paper folding instructions

11. Building a Lego Architecture® Empire State building using the instructions

12. Playing Tetris®

13. Folding flattened cardboard into a gift box by following the folds/creases

14. Untangling severely tangled headphone cords

15. Building a 6-drawer dresser from IKEA by following the diagram

16. Solving a 1000-piece puzzle

17. Constructing a model house using Legos using only an image of the end product

18. Packing a trunk with limited space and a lot of objects

19. Packing a carry-on suitcase with many belongings

20. Moving all of your furniture from a larger space into a smaller space

21. Hanging up several pictures, frames, or decals on a wall

  1. *Indicates items asking about large-scale anxiety, all other items asked about small-scale anxiety)