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Table 4 Descriptive statistics by condition

From: Influences of early diagnostic suggestions on clinical reasoning

Outcome variable


Aided 1

Aided 2

Mean initial certainty T1 (SD)

6.38 (1.77)

6.35 (1.66)

6.13 (1.76)

Mean initial certainty T2 (SD)

6.64 (2.27)

6.86 (1.84)

6.42 (2.47)

Mean change in initial certainty (T2-T1) (SD)

0.27 (2.12)

0.51 (1.78)

0.29 (2.24)

Mean cue requests (SD)

4.12 (2.10)

4.38 (1.85)

4.42 (1.96)

Mean perceived cue support (SD)

5.50 (2.60)

5.90 (1.99)

5.57 (2.39)

% change of initial diagnosis




Mean certainty about the final diagnosis (SD)

7.19 (1.50)

6.97 (1.67)

6.95 (1.82)

Mean differential diagnoses (SD)

1.26 (1.15)

1.25 (1.07)

1.34 (1.11)

  1. Mean change in initial certainty was positive in all conditions (increase)