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Table 3 Identification proportions, confidence ratings, discriminability, and response bias for identification decisions in Experiment 2

From: Improving face identification of mask-wearing individuals


Masked lineup

Unmasked lineup

Target-present lineups


Identification proportions


 Target IDs

.53 (.50)*

.38 (.49)

 Filler IDs

.31 (.46)*

.41 (.49)

 Incorrect rejections

.16 (.37)

.21 (.41)

Confidence ratings


 Target IDs

68% (24%)

64% (22%)

 Filler IDs

55% (23%)*

49% (22%)

 Incorrect rejections

56% (21%)

49% (23%)

Target-absent lineups


Identification proportions


 Correct rejections

.38 (.49)

.40 (.49)

 Filler IDs

.62 (.49)

.60 (.49)

Confidence ratings


 Correct rejections

59% (19%)

57% (23%)

 Filler IDs

58% (21%)*

53% (22%)

Discriminability and Bias



1.54 (.09)*

1.13 (.06)


− 0.33 (− .02)

− 0.30 (− .02)

  1. Values in parentheses are standard deviations except in the cases of d' and c, for which the parenthetical values are standard errors. An asterisk indicates a significant difference between lineup types