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Table 1 A list of the learning models fitted to judgments of automation reliability, and associated learning parameters

From: How do humans learn about the reliability of automation?



Learning parameters


Bayesian learning of automation reliability assuming a single true state

\(p, q\)


Judgements of automation reliability are updated based upon the prediction error (delta) between the previous reliability estimate and the current automation accuracy

\(r_{0}\), \(\alpha\)

Two-Kernel Delta

Two simultaneous delta-rule learners track automation reliability. Estimates are taken from the slower learner unless the difference between the two processes is above a threshold, signalling a shift in the environment, in which case the fast delta learner is used

\(r_{0}\), αfast, αslow, T

Sampling (proportional to delta weights)

A single previous memory is sampled to inform the current estimate of automation reliability. Previous experiences are sampled proportionately to their weights under a delta-rule updating process

r0sampling_recency, αsampling

Sampling (last/average)

Samples either the most recent experience with automation, or the average reliability of all previous experiences

r0sampling_last_average, weightr0, probt

Contingent Sampling

Automation reliability is assumed to be sensitive to the history of automation accuracy over the recent m contacts. Thus, the reliability estimate is based on previous cases where the history of automation accuracy m contacts back matches the history m contacts back in the current instance

r0sampling_contingent, m


Estimates of automation reliability are updated in a stepwise manner when a “change point” is identified. Sometimes, the model has “second thoughts” and expunges or updates a previous change point

T1, T2, \(p, q, p_{{\text{change point}}} , q_{{\text{change point}}}\)

No updating

No learning process


  1. See text for more in-depth descriptions. Note that fitting each model also involved estimating a latent standard deviation parameter, σ, indexing noise in responding that is independent of the learning process