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Fig. 1 | Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications

Fig. 1

From: Investigating the different domains of environmental knowledge acquired from virtual navigation and their relationship to cognitive factors and wayfinding inclinations

Fig. 1Fig. 1

Virtual city with the path to learn and examples of each recall task used to test the different types of environmental knowledge. Note. These stimuli were adapted from the original Italian version. List of landmarks as encountered in the path: 1. grocery; 2. bank; 3. church; 4. newsstand; 5. florist; 6. fountain; 7. ice-cream shop; 8. hotel; 9. library; 10. lunch bar; 11. museum; 12. hospital; 13. sports hall; 14. play park; 15. pizzeria; 16. school; 17. statue; 18. theatre; 19. post office

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