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Table 4 Mean and SD (in parentheses) of prediction performance for SVMs trained to predict load condition from different gaze metrics in Experiment 2

From: Establishing gaze markers of perceptual load during multi-target visual search


Mean fixation duration

Single fixation duration

Mean saccade amplitude

Single saccade amplitude

Mean fixation and saccade


0.67 (0.06)***

0.58 (0.04)***

0.59 (0.07)***

0.53 (0.02)***

0.69 (0.07)***


0.72 (0.06)

0.67 (0.06)

0.58 (0.06)

0.52 (0.01)

0.73 (0.07)


0.58 (0.13)

0.32 (0.08)

0.68 (0.15)

0.83 (0.03)

0.65 (0.12)


0.64 (0.10)

0.42 (0.08)

0.62 (0.09)

0.63 (0.01)

0.68 (0.09)

  1. Accuracy was statistically compared to chance level (0.50) with one-sample t tests, *** p < 0.001. Precision, recall, and F1 are presented for descriptive purposes, but were not statistically assessed