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Table 3 Procedure of Studies 1–4

From: Specificity and incremental predictive validity of implicit attitudes: studies of a race-based phenotype


Study 1A

Study 1B

Study 2

Studies 3–4

Black hair attitude IAT*


Black hair attitude IAT*

Black hair attitude IAT*

White/Black race attitude IAT*


White/Black race attitude IAT*


Non-Black hair attitude IAT


Legal case and legal judgments*

Legal case and legal judgments**


Self and societal judgments

Self and societal judgments

  1. Each unique measure is presented in a separate row, with the order from top to bottom representing the order of the measures in each study. The order of the measures with the same number of asterisks within each study was counterbalanced. Specifically, In Studies 3 and 4, the Black hair IAT attitude IAT and the White/black race attitude IAT were always administered after each other in counterbalanced order. The legal case and legal judgments were administered either before or after both IATs