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Table 2 Correction classification-type probabilities: Experiment 1

From: Recalling fake news during real news corrections can impair or enhance memory updating: the role of recollection-based retrieval


Correction Classification Type


Classified as Correction + Fake News Recalled

Classified as Correction + Fake News Not Recalled

Not Classified as Correction

Phase 2

.64 [.61, .68]

.20 [.17, .23]

.16 [.13, .19]

Phase 3

.50 [.47, .54]

.22 [.19, .25]

.28 [.25, .32]

  1. 95% confidence intervals are displayed in brackets. The classifications above all pertain to Correction headline types. “Classified as Correction + Fake News Recalled” were instances when participants indicated headlines that headline topics were associated with corrections and could recall the fake news details. “Classified as Correction + Fake News Not Recalled” were instances when participants indicated headlines that headline topics were associated with corrections but could not recall the fake news details. “Not Classified as Correction” were instances when participants indicated that headlines were not associated with corrections