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Table 4 Pearson’s correlation coefficient between COVID-19 responses and CPT performance in Experiment 2. Skill index is calculated as No-go accuracy divided by Go RT

From: Do concerns about COVID-19 impair sustained attention?


Overall A’

Reduction in A’ across blocks

Skill index

No-go (mountain) accuracy

Go (city) RT

Demographic ratings

1. Age


− .04



.23 *

2. Education

− .10



− .09


3. Income

− .004

− .14

− .02



4. Political orientation

− .09


− .09

− .04


5. Health status


− .02




6. Financial wellbeing

− .02





Concerns related to COVID-19

7. Health concern


− .09

− .01

− .02

− .05

8. Financial concern


− .003



− .04

9. Average of all eight items


− .11



− .03

Behavioral compliance

10. Social distancing


− .002




11. Hygienic behavior



− .01

− .01


  1. In the correlation analysis between income and other variables, participants who chose the answer “I prefer not to answer this question” were excluded, leading to N = 197. All other analyses had N = 204. Only the following correlation reached Bonferroni adjusted alpha: participants with older age showed slower RT in go responses, Pearson’s r = .23, p = .0007. Boldface italics: p < .05 (uncorrected for multiple comparisons)