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Table 3 Free-form responses to end-of-study questionnaire Question 1 (“What did you do while listening to the audiobook?”)

From: In the lab and in the wild: How distraction and mind wandering affect attention and memory

Inside condition:

 • Played around with the pen, tried to stare at the phrase “I am focused on the audio” so I can get myself to focus better, sometimes mind wandering regarding my other assignments

 • Looked around the room, fidgeted

 • Look at the ground

 • I sat with my eyes closed in order to focus effectively

 • Shake my leg, play with the pen, close my eyes

 • Looked around the room

 • Either trying to focus on retaining information or thinking about other unrelated topics

 • Expecting the tone, staring at the number on the green door

 • Tried to listen but at times I ended up playing with the zippers on my jacket

 • Stared at the clipboard

 • Fiddling with the iPod, checking phone, observing the room

 • Staring at the wall

 • Think

 • Played with my fingers and the pencil

 • I was thinking about my runny nose and a random itchy spot on my leg and looking at the green door

 • Checked my phone and thought about other things on my mind

 • Didn’t move and tried not to look around and focus on the audiobook

 • Watching the paper sheet

 • Nothing else just listen

 • When I was wasn’t listening to the audiobook I was looking around the room and would occasionally mind wander about the rest of my day

 • I checked my phone once and my mind wandered and I got distracted from sounds in the environment

 • Close my eyes and focus on the audiobook

 • Looked around the room

 • Listening but mind wandering sometimes as I thought about when the interruption sound would occur

 • I was handed a sheet of paper where I was asked to circle from a choice of three options every time I heard a sound

 • Looked at the objects around the room

 • Bored

 • Close my eyes, play with the little pencil, look at the iPod

 • Looked around the room, played with the pencil

 • I looked at the sheet in front of me or looked at the wall

 • Looked around the room or at the pencil

 • Bit my nails

 • Look at the clipboard

Outside condition:

 • Sitting and relaxing

 • Sat in an outdoor staircase

 • I walked around the Kenny building, went and stood outside for a minute or two, then came back inside and stood looking out a window

 • Walking around

 • Walk around the building up and down the stairs

 • I walked around outside

 • Sat on the first floor of Kenny

 • Watched a tv screen in the Kenny building, people watching

 • Walked around the inside of Kenny building

 • Sat in the lobby

 • Walking

 • I was sitting down

 • Took the elevator, sat on a couch

 • Standing in the Kenny building

 • Sit down

 • Walked around the Kenny building

 • Walked around campus

 • I walked for a bit, but I was mostly sitting down

 • Walked around

 • I sat on a coach in the first floor of Kenny

 • Walking

 • Walked around Kenny

 • Sat at the second floor of Kenny, looked at my phone

 • Sat at a bench in Kenny

 • Walk around and sit down

 • Walked around and looked outside the window

 • Kenny, second floor

 • Sitting on a couch

 • I walked around and then ate lunch

 • Looking around

 • Stand on the hallway