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Table 2 Breakdown of performance on the models memory test

From: Applied screening tests for the detection of superior face recognition


Control mean (SD)

SR mean (SD)

Target-present trials: proportion of hits

.51 (.20)

.88 (.07)

Target-absent trials: proportion of correct rejections

.57 (.23)

.88 (.08)

Target-absent trials: proportion of misidentifications

.15 (.11)

.02 (.02)

Target-absent trials: proportion of misses

.34 (.21)

.10 (.07)

Overall proportion correct

.54 (.14)

.88 (.05)

d′ (sensitivity)

0.26 (0.84)

2.46 (0.59)

c (bias)

−0.12 (0.61)

−0.06 (0.33)

Proportion of positive responses in TP trials that were hits (vs misidentifications)

.77 (.15)

.98 (.02)

  1. SD standard deviation, SR “super recogniser”