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Table 4 Experiments 1A (blocked presentation in training) and 1B (random presentation in training): Overview of the tasks administered in the training sessions and the test session

From: Language play facilitates language learning: Optimizing the input for gender-like category induction


Exp. 1A

Exp. 1B


Training (with feedback)

Session 1

Vocabulary training

Session 2

Vocabulary review

Blocked listen-and-repeat

Random-order listen-and-repeat

Sentence action matching

Blocked sentence production

Random-order sentence production

Session 3

Blocked listen-and-repeat

Random-order listen-and-repeat

Blocked sentence production

Random-order sentence production

Random-order sentence production


Test (without feedback)

Session 4

Vocabulary review

Random-order sentence production (old items)

Forced-choice grammaticality judgment (old items)

Random-order sentence production (novel items)

Forced-choice grammaticality judgment (novel items)